Donald Elliott Guest Book

I was in 81 mortar plt. when Elliot came into country, and was on the hill 8-10-69. I was with Elliot,for about 30 minutes the , up until the moment he was killed the following morning by incoming motar fire. If you wish further info. you can contact me.

M.Sauer formerly Cpl,USMC

Added: August 13, 2014
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Semper Fi

Added: July 22, 2014
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You will never be forgotten along with all the others that was there in 1969.

Added: June 7, 2014
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Never forgotten.
Semper Fi,

Added: May 26, 2014
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To you Donnie, Happy Memorial Day 2014. On this day many Americans do what I do for you every day, Honor the sacrifices made by our Veterans of which you are one. After all these years I still struggle with loosing you, my old friend. I am sure if you spoke you would advise me to move on but not right now Don. When this grief has passed and what remains are those fond memories of the boy and the games we as boys played are what remain, then I will move on. I know you understand. Honoring you in this way was a challenge but a challenge I wanted to accept on your behalf. In some small way, I became your voice when you can no longer speak and your presence when you are long departed. I hope I have lived up to your expectations. Until we meet again, I am always your friend as I know I as yours. La

Added: May 19, 2014
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To say the least, this is a very nice memorial to Donald by his great friend Lawrence. On the anniversary of Mutters Ridge, there will be a memorial card posted on Echo Companies web site. I'm not allowed to enter the URL here but you can find it on the front page that Larry created. Rest in peace Donald. Semper Fi

Added: May 10, 2014
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I read your brother Antonio's account of the Battle of Mutters Ridge that took you from us Donnie. I could almost hear the mortars, machine gun fire and the terror you endured during you last moments. As painful as it is, I needed to know how you, my friend died. Even more important now is the memory of how you lived. It makes those memories of you as a young boy whit whom we sled for hors in the snow and the journeys through the meadow behind our homes.

Gone on August 10 1969 at 4:30 AM were your hopes and dreams. Generations of your children. Let with us are the fond memories of ur childhood in Cranston as well as the pain of your leaving. You like my dad are my hero. I will always love you as one of my oldest friends.

Semper Fi Donnie

Added: May 9, 2014
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This year will mark our 45th anniversary of our personal battles that we have had to deal with what happened at Mutters Ridge on 10 August 1969 and the following 2 days.
For many of us that made it back home it has been a constant war within to forget but it's just not that easy. There are those constant thoughts of what "if" but life goes on and we can't change anything. At the same time we wish to remember those that we knew and those that died there and a part of us that died that day.
"I remembered my friends today when
they died on that hill so far away.
Broken bones and shattered dreams.
I wonder if they give Purple Hearts for
bleeding minds and broken hearts.
I remembered my friends today..."
Never knew Donald. I was just one of those Marines that survived that day at Mutters Ridge.

Antonio Echo 2/3 KIA/Family Survivor Unit Rep

Added: May 6, 2014
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Hard to believe you left us 44 years ago. Yet so many of us remember you fondly and still manage to feel the pain of your passing. There is never anything pretty about war. The ONLY good that comes from any war are the heroes it reveals. I conceder you one of 6 heroes in my life. I loved you buddy and still do. Your death left a wound that time will never heal.

Donnie, I watch over your memorial and hope that you like the way I chose to honor you. I know I was unable to do so when we were young but maybe it was necessary for this time to pass for me to fully understand this terrible loss. Yet I believe in a spiritual way, you madfe sure things came together as they did. And I know you understand that I was inspired by you and your buddys in the Corps who did so much to help.

When I watch anything about Vietnam my skin crawls knowing with your death, the war was brought into the home which I sought safe haven. Life would not stop with your death but it was forever changed.

In time we will meet once more. It will be good to see you. Once things is for sure, I will be an old man while you will 19 for all eternity.

Rest Well Donnie

Added: August 16, 2013
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To all who have shared their thoughts, and for the recent photos of Donald elliott, the U.S. Marine, my heart felt thanks. It is often said that when a soldier dies in battle, his last wish is not so much for himself but his brothers along who's side he served. That wish is their sacrifice not be forgotten. Vietnam was a terrible war and the young men and women who fought with the best intentions were vilafied. If I know Don, had he lived to return home and be viewed as a criminal he would be hurt far greater than the weapon that took his life. He is one of many heroes in my life. I am honored to look at him as a hero along side my father, my uncles and anmother friend, Kevin Hanley. But it is for Donnie, this memorial is in place to let him know, he is loved, still missed more now than ever, and NEVER forgotten. This Cranston neighborhood still is inhabited by his spirit.

Added: March 4, 2013
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